Friday, June 13, 2008

Good Times & Happy Hearts

I just returned from dinner at Cracker Barrel. What a trip down memory lane! My family used to stop at these restaurants frequently on our road trips (Dad's from the South and loves their down-home country food). Afterward, we'd proceed to coerce our parents into buying us something we absolutely needed from the store. I was actually able to look around and pick out which things each of us would have chosen as children. It was fun. And I got to buy one of my all-time favorite candies! These fruit-flavored slices are coated in sugar, and they're exquisite. I'm rather excited to eat them, truth be told.

But the coolest part, by far, was when I saw this book:I cannot tell you how excited I was! This book was an integral part of my childhood. I can remember my mom reading it to me, as well as reading it many times on my own once I learned to read. I flipped through it and enjoyed the stories all over again. (T may have been laughing at me the whole time. Whatever.) It was amazing! I was sorely tempted to buy it, but I know I could get it for a lot cheaper in a normal bookstore. But oh, how the sight of this book lifted my heart!

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