Thursday, November 13, 2008

Feelin' remarkably good...

I was recently paged to the hospital (I'm on the Utah County Rape Crisis Team, for those who don't know), and it sparked some thoughts. Since they were significantly different from the typical all-men-are-scum and life-is-just-too-horrible thoughts that occupy my mind for a day or so afterward, I thought I'd share. :)

This woman was an emotional wreck. Far more than I generally see–most of the victims I see are in a great deal of shock. But this woman was falling apart. Fortunately, she had two friends there with her. (I always feel extra-sorry for the victims who are at the hospital all alone.) In any case, these friends were amazing. It was wonderful to see them lend her their strength and really go through the process with her. Things like that are altogether too difficult to handle alone, and I don't think Heavenly Father meant us to. These women definitely didn't fit into the stereotypical angel imagery, but I honestly can't think of a better word to describe them and what they did. I felt blessed to be able to witness it.

This got me thinking about the friends in my own life. I generally have a really hard time opening up to people, and I'm one of the worst people I know about asking for help. But I've got a coupla friends I've learned to lean on, and they are likewise angels in my life. They give me strength to get through the times I wouldn't otherwise be able to handle. And I've been of the opinion for some time now that Heavenly Father put these people in my life for that purpose. You know how it's hard to see a beautiful sunset, or the fall colors, and not see God's hand in it? I feel the same way about people who accept the challenge of being somebody else's strength for a while. How cool is it that the love my friends show me reminds me that God loves me, too? Bless them. :)

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