Monday was a big day. Turns out I rather overexerted myself, which I then paid for in misery. But I felt fine at the time! Kyle and I went to the outpatient clinic at 11:30 am to get blood drawn and a chest x-ray taken. Afterward, Kyle needed to go in to his lab to do some work, and I accompanied him, laptop in tow, planning to do some work of my own. The parking garage by his building was full, though, so we parked across campus and walked. (Yes, Kyle offered to drop me off and pick me up, but I opted to walk. Walking's good for me, and I don't get outside enough. I'm missing beautiful winter scenery for this recovery!)
After we'd been in the lab for not very long, we left again so Kyle could take me in to the office in Orem. (T and I are required to show our temple recommends to some HR guy who was gonna be there then, proving that we're temple worthy and therefore still allowed to work for the Church. (I still don't understand this. The Church
has my records. Why don't they already know this?)) (Also, I took a lortab on the way up, since my back was starting to hurt.) Tanna and BJ were on their way home from Idaho, but we were really pushing the guy's scheduled time, so Kyle took me up there, dropped me off, and brought BJ back to campus while T and I did our thing. Of course, at 5 'til 2:00, the guy who was supposed to stay until 2:00 had already left. Bother that. But then we went upstairs so I could see our new home (we moved while I was in the hospital) and, more importantly, say hi to the missionaries. This was way fun; everybody was so glad to see me! So we sat and talked to them for like an hour and a half. Then T brought me back home again.
Excitement over, right? Right. But by this point, I was exhausted. So very tired. But 6:00 pm seemed too early for bed and too late for a nap, so I stayed awake. Even though I felt like a 2-year-old who had missed her nap and was consequently all kinds of cranky and fussy. Seriously, I was on the verge of tears for several hours, for no good reason other than that I was tired. And then my back decided to join in the fun. No matter how I turned or held my arm or laid, it was killing me. It took awhile, since I'm retarded, but I eventually remembered that I have pills for just this situation, and I took another lortab. Once it kicked in, I felt much better, though still very tired.
After all that, I should have slept like a log, right? But no. I was awakened at 3 am with a migraine (first one since all this started!), and every hour thereafter. Needless to say, this was not restful. By the time I got up and started getting ready to go to my follow-up, I was less cranky but in a lot of pain. I took a lortab when I got up, and another before we left. After the appointment, we had to go get my new prescription filled, which just about killed me. I was so miserable, the wait seemed to take hours. And nauseous. Oh man. I took some phenergan while we waited, which helped. But I still had to work really hard to not throw up in Kyle's car on the way home. Fortunately, when we got home, my fondest wish came true: I got to lay down on the couch and sleep. I took a 4-hour nap, and it was blissful. I stopped gagging. My back calmed down. My migraine went away. After that, my day went great. Evening, actually, by that point.
The current theory for the cause of all this misery is that I overdid it on Monday. Which is really quite sad; I didn't do that much. I had blood drawn and an x-ray taken. I went to campus. I went to the office. I came home. That's all. I was even sitting down whenever I wasn't walking. But considering my recent activity levels, it
was a lot. Apparently too much. Man, this whole recovery thing is very frustrating.