Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Test Program

So, I've been thinking about this for a while now. And I've decided that yes, my entertainment could stand some cleaning up. I've been abiding by the "no R-rated movies" rule for years, but I still probably watch a lot of movies and TV that I'd be better off without. See, I've always thought that the good justified the bad. But maybe the bad actually nullifies the good? Most of the time, I don't even remember the bad stuff; my brain seems to have an automatic filter that way. So then I go recommending movies to people who I know don't like a lot of swearing, only to find out that yeah, that movie did have an awful lot of swearing; I just forgot it. Anyway, this is another excuse I've used. I mean, how big an effect can the bad stuff have on you if you don't even remember it later on? But then, I've always struggled somewhat with my language; it's just so tempting to swear sometimes! But since I moved to Happy Valley, I hardly ever hear bad language at all. Except in my TV shows, my music, and my movies. Mayhap the reason I still think bad words so much is because I still hear them so much.

Anyway, I've decided to try and cut some of this stuff out of my life. This means a couple of TV shows I love. But I survived without them during the writers' strike, didn't I? And even after they came back, I found myself busy, even if it was just reading a book. Of course, I planned on catching up on them online, but still. As for movies, well, I haven't been watching a lot recently, except for the ones that I own. But I'm gonna try and avoid the ones with excessive amounts of swearing, violence, or crudity. Where is the line? I'm not sure. I don't really want to specify a rating level. But I'm gonna clean it up. I need to be more willing to stop watching a movie or even reading a book if I find out it's not good. I recently read a series of books that were completely clean until the fourth volume. Well, by then, I was so sucked into the storyline and the characters that I read it anyway. I shouldn't have. There was no overarching value or worth to the series; it was just entertainment.

So, in a nutshell: I'm gonna do my best to raise my standards a bit in this area. For now, this is a test. But if I don't actually die, I imagine I'll keep it up. :D

Just don't ask me what happened on House.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sometimes use this web site - http://www.screenit.com/index1.html to preview movies before my kids go to the movie theatre or rent them.