Sunday, August 10, 2008

I rarely have excuses to toot my own horn, so here we go!

I just want to briefly point out my awesomeness. I'm working on a cross stitch project, and I'm getting close to the end. It's down to the detail-work now. (Which is nothing to sneer at; I shall be doing several things I've never done before. Hopefully I won't ruin what I've done so far, 'cuz it's looking pretty good, if I do say so myself.) The finishing of this project will definitely be blogged, 'cuz I'm going to be all kinds of proud of myself.

But that's for later. My current awesomeness has to do with the fact that I threaded 8 strands of blending filament (it's shiny thread, and it's a beast to work with) onto my needle at once, and in one try! Really, I am in awe of my own mad skillz. And in case anyone doubts this prodigious feat, there was a witness. So yes: I rock.

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