Friday, August 1, 2008

Pleasant News

Ok. My job for the Church is a temporary one; it only lasts for 6 months. But it seems that I have made myself indispensable, so my boss and my boss' boss have been working on getting me a permanent job for the last few months. They tell me every couple of days that they're working on it as hard as they can. (I love Mike. He's the kind of manager who works really hard for his employees. I think he views his job as facilitating our work, instead of t'other way around. He's a dear.)

Well, he called me this morning. I didn't hear the phone, but I got his message before I left. He wanted me to call him. So I did, and he said that although They won't give him a permanent slot, They did concede a year-long internship. (They're still sorting out if this means a year from now, or a year from when I started, which would make it another 6 months.) But Mike is pretty optimistic about being able to get me a permanent job by then.

Ironically, my fortune cookie yesterday told me that "Soon, [I] will receive pleasant news." Tianna has decided that she truly believes these things now.

I've actually had my own cubicle and a brand new computer for a few weeks now. I thought it was highly entertaining that I had all this official, new equipment, but not a real job. :D

Anyway, Mike apparently called several people this morning before he found somebody that had my cell number. He called Tianna. He called Jeri. He called the missionaries here in Orem. Seems that he was really excited to tell me the good news. The coolest thing was when I got in here and told the missionaries. Sis. X said that Mike had called and asked her to have me call him when I got in. So she left me "a little note:"Tianna and I both laughed. Hard.

Today's actually been quite fun. So many people are so glad that they can keep me! It makes me feel really special, and really loved. It's awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are awesome!

”I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." --Thomas Jefferson