Sunday, August 3, 2008

There's really no accounting for the way my mind works. I've stopped trying.

Sometimes my imagination does interesting things. In church today, I had several really entertaining thoughts occur to me, and I thought I'd share.
  • I was reading in Helaman during Sacrament Meeting, and Helaman 1:12 says that Kishkumen was in disguise when he murdered Pahoran, and verse 10 talks about the speediness of his flight. I swear to you, the image that came into my mind was of a man in a toga (a reference to Julius Caesar, I guess) wearing those silly glasses with the nose and mustache attached, and probably the big bushy eyebrows, too. And as he fled around a corner, the glasses fell off, and a little bit later, a wig went flying on the wind. Who says the war chapters aren't entertaining?!
  • In Alma 53:15, which was part of our Sunday School lesson, Helaman fears that the people of Ammon would lose their souls if they broke their covenant of peace. Unbidden, the thought came to my mind of dementors, acting as covenant-enforcers, of all things. Would we all take our covenants a bit more seriously under the threat of the Dementor's Kiss?
  • Our lesson in Relief Society was on emergency preparedness, and Val, who was teaching, made reference to the ward "Emergency Leader...or whatever you call it." I pictured this girl organizing and executing major disasters, almost like a conductor leading a symphony. I could see her bringing in the earthquakes, supplementing that with fire and/or floods. Telling the assembled "instruments" that "I need a bit more from the famine section here." I guess it's a good thing that "Emergency Leader" isn't the actual technical title of the calling. That'd just be freaky.
I have been accused of silliness when I start imaging literal interpretations of things. Silliness, or bolts of creativity sent to lighten my mood? You decide.

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