Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm still not sure I agree with his assessment.

Okay, time for an amazing story. We got a new high councilor this week, and he spoke for a few minutes at the end of sacrament. Turns out, he's been assigned to Institute for the last few years. He realizes that our ward doesn't have an Institute chair yet, but he "knows somebody in the ward who gets stuff done. She's sitting right down here—Sis. Jessica. I've read about you in the program! You only have 2 callings. (He turned away just as I held up 4 fingers.) The fact that you have two callings means that the bishop knows who to call when he needs something done! So as soon as the bishop gets on the ball and calls you as Institute co-chair, will you collect these surveys on the back table about what course people want taught?" Of course, I agreed. But I was apparently quite red when I got up to conduct the closing hymn. (I mean, high praise, to be sure. But I hate being singled out in front of a group!) Afterward, he came down and shook my hand. And, y'know, met me. He mentioned again my only having 2 callings, and I pointed out to him that the truth of the matter is that I have 4. He immediately started looking around: "Where's your bishop?!" He seemed horrified. It was kinda funny.

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