Monday, August 18, 2008

in which I display heretofore unknown skillz

I'm all proud of myself right now. Why? Because I managed to blow dry my hair this morning using a brush. I've never been able to get the hang of the whole hair-dryer-in-one-hand-brush-in-t'other thing. I have not this skill. For me, drying my hair involves a lot of hanging upside down and using my hands to get through my hair. But no more! I used a brush today, though I ended up settling on having the brush in my left hand and hair dryer in the right; I had started out the other way 'round, which made more sense, but I couldn't do it. All in all, though, I am well pleased. It took hardly any longer at all than my usual method, and my hair is a lot less frizzy today.

(Is this the part where I determine that I've earned myself a reward from Arctic Circle?)

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