Monday, March 31, 2008
Sometimes, I'm an idiot.
I was just looking up the release date for Harry Potter 6. It's 11/21/08. I turned to Tianna and said, "How many months is that? Four!" She started counting the months off on her fingers and I was truly shocked to find out that November is, in fact, eight months away. I lose.
Rough Start
Today began when I didn't get up. Not until T came and informed me that I would need to move my car so she could get out. This was after 9:00. Blah.
I went out to move my car and all the lovely snow from yesterday had frozen into ice. This took some doing to get off, and since I completely forgot the snow and went out in my pj's and bare feet, it wasn't all that fun. A lot of the snow landed on my feet. Blah.
I went back in and didn't hurry too much getting ready--I mean, it was already really late; what difference would a few more minutes make? I finally left a little after 10 for McDonald's (because McBreakfast is the surest way I know to get an icky day back on track). As I was sitting in the drive-thru, I realized I had left my makeup bag at home. Since I can't survive a day without chapstick, this meant I had to go home again. Blah.
Fortunately, Tianna had called me just before I left to invite me to work in Orem today! (Of course, the reason for this was that she needed me to help out with oogliness...oh well.) This meant a 25-minute commute instead of an hour commute. Yay!
Then, on the way to Orem, Mt. Timpanogos was beautiful. And I had my camera with me! So I pulled over and took a picture. I'm still not sure if this is fresh snow blowing off of Timp, or just a cloud that got caught right in that nook. Either way, it was cool. Yay!
Also, since I sewed up the hem of my skirt, I haven't caught my heel in it all day. Yay!
So, I guess the rough start...ended well?
I went out to move my car and all the lovely snow from yesterday had frozen into ice. This took some doing to get off, and since I completely forgot the snow and went out in my pj's and bare feet, it wasn't all that fun. A lot of the snow landed on my feet. Blah.
I went back in and didn't hurry too much getting ready--I mean, it was already really late; what difference would a few more minutes make? I finally left a little after 10 for McDonald's (because McBreakfast is the surest way I know to get an icky day back on track). As I was sitting in the drive-thru, I realized I had left my makeup bag at home. Since I can't survive a day without chapstick, this meant I had to go home again. Blah.
Fortunately, Tianna had called me just before I left to invite me to work in Orem today! (Of course, the reason for this was that she needed me to help out with oogliness...oh well.) This meant a 25-minute commute instead of an hour commute. Yay!
Then, on the way to Orem, Mt. Timpanogos was beautiful. And I had my camera with me! So I pulled over and took a picture. I'm still not sure if this is fresh snow blowing off of Timp, or just a cloud that got caught right in that nook. Either way, it was cool. Yay!
So, I guess the rough start...ended well?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008 cat hair!

Thursday, March 27, 2008
I love my car, but sometimes...
My car has a war wound. About 8 years ago, it went to battle for me, protecting me from the delivery truck that was doing its level best to crush the life out of me. As a result of my car's heroics, I was just fine. But it was never the same after having been run over; the driver's side door had to be completely replaced, and despite multiple attempts, it has never hung quite right. This results in a lot of air noise when I drive at high speeds.
It's exceedingly windy outside today, and this made the noise worse. It was actually whistling as I did my best to keep my car in my lane despite the bufferings that wanted to toss me about the freeway. (I even drove almost the whole way with both hands on the steering wheel. (Yes, this is unusual for me, but I suspect it's true of anybody who drives stick.)) I had to crank my music up in order to hear it over the high-pitch whistle. Thankfully, this only lasted about half an hour, until I got 'round the point of the mountain. Otherwise, I may have been driven completely insane by that horrible shrieking.
It's exceedingly windy outside today, and this made the noise worse. It was actually whistling as I did my best to keep my car in my lane despite the bufferings that wanted to toss me about the freeway. (I even drove almost the whole way with both hands on the steering wheel. (Yes, this is unusual for me, but I suspect it's true of anybody who drives stick.)) I had to crank my music up in order to hear it over the high-pitch whistle. Thankfully, this only lasted about half an hour, until I got 'round the point of the mountain. Otherwise, I may have been driven completely insane by that horrible shrieking.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Rainbows make me happy.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!

Our lesson in Relief Society today was based on Julie Beck's talk from the last general conference, called Mothers Who Know. She lists several things that women can be/do, but two stood out to me and really touched me. The first was nurturing, and all I could think of was the way my wonderful roommates have nurtured me during the last few months of insanity. They comfort me, listen to me when I need to talk and don't make me feel silly when I cry. They often take over the house cleanup when I just can't bear to act like a responsible adult. They humor me in my insanely stupid jokes. In so many ways, they have nurtured me and lifted me, and it has meant everything to me.
The last thing Sis. Beck mentioned was being strong and immovable. This struck me because it is included in the same list as nurturing, which the world tells us is weak. I have always believed in being a strong woman (and probably take it too far sometimes with my stubbornness and excesses of independence), and it meant a lot to me to be reminded that nurturing women, who care for others above all else, can also be strong. It reminded me of my mother, who is the strongest, toughest woman I know. I have always admired her ability to weather the storms of life, and look to her for inspiration during my own storms.
I am grateful for the amazing women in my life who exemplify the traits I want to acquire. Not only are they examples to me, but they have made me who I am and contribute to who I want to become.
The last thing Sis. Beck mentioned was being strong and immovable. This struck me because it is included in the same list as nurturing, which the world tells us is weak. I have always believed in being a strong woman (and probably take it too far sometimes with my stubbornness and excesses of independence), and it meant a lot to me to be reminded that nurturing women, who care for others above all else, can also be strong. It reminded me of my mother, who is the strongest, toughest woman I know. I have always admired her ability to weather the storms of life, and look to her for inspiration during my own storms.
I am grateful for the amazing women in my life who exemplify the traits I want to acquire. Not only are they examples to me, but they have made me who I am and contribute to who I want to become.
Glowsticks can be rather entertaining, it turns out.

Also, it should be noted that ice cream sandwiches made with Eggo waffles are divine.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
So Worth It

Two weeks ago, Mike, my boss' boss, mentioned in passing that his birthday was today and that a wonderful gift would be to have 10,000 titles online. Tianna pointed out to him that we were a long way from this being possible, but then thought better of her pessimism. So, without Mike's knowledge, we decided to try and see how close we could get. T sent an email out to all of our sites, and everybody agreed it was a great idea and that Mike really deserved it.
So we had this goal: get approx. 2,000 more books online in two weeks. (This is as many books as is sometimes done in a month.) Everybody knew about it but Mike, and we all worked really hard. Earlier this week, T and Annaleise decided to put their other duties aside and Kofax so we could get as many books ready as possible. I also Kofaxed, but a lot of time was taken up with loading the books that were ready, as well as the traumas I went through with computers and software.
T and I both stayed at work until 7:30 pm on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday trying to get this done. Who knew that sitting at a computer could be so tiring? But when you do it for so long, it surely is. On Friday, I didn't even go in to work until 12:30 pm because of the extra hours I'd worked earlier in the week. But once I got there, it was even more hectic than I had expected. I was Kofaxing books, as well as loading finished books online. I was in Orem, but I remoted into my computer in SLC so that I could load from both computers at the same time. I loaded into 4 different collections that day (just to add to the mayhem, we had to start new collections, identified by different numbers starting that day). It was a lot to keep track of, and I confused myself thoroughly several times. Tanna was confused, too: at various times throughout the day, we thought we had already achieved our goal, realized we hadn't, and thought we couldn't. But then we did! Finally, about 7:30 Friday night, we were able to see the beautiful sight I've included atop this post. The only task left was to tell Mike.
We dropped by his house on our way home, and decided to tell him that there was a problem and we needed his help. If he had a computer nearby, Tianna said, we could show him. Of course, he was highly uncooperative and wanted to know the details of what had gone wrong and how he could help. Finally, however, we got him to a computer and were able to show him the stats. He was completely shocked! He just sat there for a couple of minutes, mouth wide open, looking back and forth between us and the computer screen. Happy Birthday! He was dumbfounded, and we spent another 20 minutes or so explaining how it had come about. And he agreed that not only had we gotten him good, but it was a wonderful birthday gift.
Fun with Jewish holidays!

Carli also has a rule that everybody participating in the play must wear something from the costume box. Haman, apparently, only has one good eye. There was much speculation that he may have had his eye put out by Mordecai and his whip. (Mordecai actually came eerily close to joining Haman in this lamentable condition, but I suppose he was being reasonably defiant, so maybe it would have been worth it? There is, however, no explanation for him having an Indian accent.)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Misery loves least, I love company when I'm miserable.
Is it bad that it makes me all kinds of happy to see others plagued by the same annoyances that beset me? This actually happened a few times today:
I overslept today, by a lot. This irks me greatly...every day. But when I stumbled to the front of the house, on my way outside to move my car so Tianna could get out of the driveway (because she would obviously be leaving before me), I espied her sitting in her bedroom. In her pajamas. Likewise not leaving on time. Not only was I spared the trouble of moving my car, but I had company in my slothfulness!
Midway through the network traumas I was having today, Annaleise announced that she had been kicked off the server. I was comforted.
I later overheard Elder Hendrix on the phone with our Hawaii site. They were also having problems mapping a drive. It's not just me; the hatred has spread into the Pacific!
When I got down to Orem, I sat next to this cute senior sister missionary who was having problems with Kofax (the software we use to process books). She had cropped the images, but after they were processed, the cropping on some of them went all wonky. One of the pages was cropped in half. Elder Hendrix turned to me and asked if I'd ever seen anything like it. I got to explain how this happens to me every time. My crops just come undone. I have learned to accept it as a ridiculous and annoying part of my life. But today, it wasn't just me! I felt vindicated.
(Actually, I suspect that Kofax sensed that I was sitting at the computer next door, as well as the fact that my insane day would not allow me to Kofax anything of my own, all day. Realizing this, Kofax lashed out at my neighbor. This is unreasonable, but what can you expect from such hate-filled software?)
I overslept today, by a lot. This irks me greatly...every day. But when I stumbled to the front of the house, on my way outside to move my car so Tianna could get out of the driveway (because she would obviously be leaving before me), I espied her sitting in her bedroom. In her pajamas. Likewise not leaving on time. Not only was I spared the trouble of moving my car, but I had company in my slothfulness!
Midway through the network traumas I was having today, Annaleise announced that she had been kicked off the server. I was comforted.
I later overheard Elder Hendrix on the phone with our Hawaii site. They were also having problems mapping a drive. It's not just me; the hatred has spread into the Pacific!
When I got down to Orem, I sat next to this cute senior sister missionary who was having problems with Kofax (the software we use to process books). She had cropped the images, but after they were processed, the cropping on some of them went all wonky. One of the pages was cropped in half. Elder Hendrix turned to me and asked if I'd ever seen anything like it. I got to explain how this happens to me every time. My crops just come undone. I have learned to accept it as a ridiculous and annoying part of my life. But today, it wasn't just me! I felt vindicated.
(Actually, I suspect that Kofax sensed that I was sitting at the computer next door, as well as the fact that my insane day would not allow me to Kofax anything of my own, all day. Realizing this, Kofax lashed out at my neighbor. This is unreasonable, but what can you expect from such hate-filled software?) the Networks?
Today, the world is against me. At least at work. I went to work today, and signed on to Tianna's computer (she has evil genius "duel" monitors and was working in Orem). According to the computer, all my network drives had suffered some kind of death...I can only assume it was gruesome. So I set myself to the task of re-mapping them, which I only learned how to do a few weeks ago. But I'm becoming quite proficient at it, as my network drives are apparently very wussy and die fairly often. I had to map them to my computer again yesterday! I don't know why I am so hated by the networks. Or maybe I intimidate them? Anyway, today, they just wouldn't map. I had to get Annaleise (she's an angel) to come and help me multiple times. And still couldn't get anything better than read-only access to the SLC server. All this, of course, kept me from accomplishing anything at all.
Luckily, Dennis (my boss) had a favor to ask of me; could I please deliver a cart to Orem on my way home? Sure thing. And Tianna had the brilliant idea that I come on down to Orem then, where I could actually use the networks instead of fight them. So I did. Of course, the Jess Hatred continued...
Once in Orem, there were further issues with disconnected drives (naturally, as it was the Torment Tool of the Day). And since the computer I usually use in Orem was occupied, I got to use a different one, which was lacking some software I needed, which meant I got to remote back into my comp in SLC. Such convolution. [Skipping a bunch of heartache and trauma because it's too work-detailed for anybody to care about. Just trust me, it was there.] Since I stayed so incredibly late tonight, my computer finally opened up, and I switched over to know, to make life easier. Of course, it wasn't mapped to a drive I needed! It got to the point where I felt I would surely go mad if I had to map one more drive one more time. I even threatened generic (but forceful) CONSEQUENCES.
Such a frustrating day. But now I am home, where the networks and drives can't hurt me. Of course, they're probably disconnecting from my computer(s) even now...
Luckily, Dennis (my boss) had a favor to ask of me; could I please deliver a cart to Orem on my way home? Sure thing. And Tianna had the brilliant idea that I come on down to Orem then, where I could actually use the networks instead of fight them. So I did. Of course, the Jess Hatred continued...
Once in Orem, there were further issues with disconnected drives (naturally, as it was the Torment Tool of the Day). And since the computer I usually use in Orem was occupied, I got to use a different one, which was lacking some software I needed, which meant I got to remote back into my comp in SLC. Such convolution. [Skipping a bunch of heartache and trauma because it's too work-detailed for anybody to care about. Just trust me, it was there.] Since I stayed so incredibly late tonight, my computer finally opened up, and I switched over to know, to make life easier. Of course, it wasn't mapped to a drive I needed! It got to the point where I felt I would surely go mad if I had to map one more drive one more time. I even threatened generic (but forceful) CONSEQUENCES.
Such a frustrating day. But now I am home, where the networks and drives can't hurt me. Of course, they're probably disconnecting from my computer(s) even now...
Weirdness just COMES AT me
On my way to work today, I stopped at a stop light next to the Salt Palace, and there was this guy crossing the street in front of me. Mid-twenties, I'm gonna guess. Point is, he was tucking in his shirt as he walked--with his pants undone! I could see his belt flapping in the breeze. Took me a minute to realize what I was seeing, because really, who does that? I can honestly say I have never undone my pants in public, and I think I'm actually normal in this way.
(This next part didn't actually happen today, but I was reminded when I went back to Wendy's.) Last week, I got lunch from the drive-thru at Wendy's. I ordered a plain double-cheeseburger because I am not a fan of death on my food. After I picked up my food, I went to leave the parking lot, reaching for some fries as I went. In so doing, I noticed the extreme oddity I had been given: hamburger patties. That's right, two hamburger patties in a plastic container. (I later noticed a set of plastic silverware I was graciously given to eat them with.) I was confuzzled by this, of course. Since when does "plain double cheeseburger" = hamburger patties?! So I threw my car into reverse and parked so I could go in and inquire this of someone who might know. But the guy at the counter was just as confused as I was. Actually, the look on his face when I showed him my patties was kind of awesome. He went back and asked whoever was cooking/assembling stuff for a plain double cheeseburger, and I got to hear him explain what that meant, which made me laugh. He came back and apologized: "They usually ask if they don't understand." How cool is that?
(This next part didn't actually happen today, but I was reminded when I went back to Wendy's.) Last week, I got lunch from the drive-thru at Wendy's. I ordered a plain double-cheeseburger because I am not a fan of death on my food. After I picked up my food, I went to leave the parking lot, reaching for some fries as I went. In so doing, I noticed the extreme oddity I had been given: hamburger patties. That's right, two hamburger patties in a plastic container. (I later noticed a set of plastic silverware I was graciously given to eat them with.) I was confuzzled by this, of course. Since when does "plain double cheeseburger" = hamburger patties?! So I threw my car into reverse and parked so I could go in and inquire this of someone who might know. But the guy at the counter was just as confused as I was. Actually, the look on his face when I showed him my patties was kind of awesome. He went back and asked whoever was cooking/assembling stuff for a plain double cheeseburger, and I got to hear him explain what that meant, which made me laugh. He came back and apologized: "They usually ask if they don't understand." How cool is that?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Also, she named him. He is now...wait for it...Beauregard. (And there was lengthy discussion as to his gender. Please note the lack of an "e" at the end of his name; this is because he is male.)

Monday, March 17, 2008
Lives for Which I am Responsible
There are several plants in my cubicle at the COB, and I am in charge of keeping them alive and healthy. Really, though, it's only a matter of time until they perish. Before that happens, I thought I'd document their fleeting existences here!
- This Wandering Jew is already getting discolored on top, which is very sad, as it used to be quite lovely.
- I really like my China Doll, and I hope it sticks around for a little while, at least.
- The Pothos is supposed to be really easy to grow; we shall see.
- I'm not supposed to get the white sap of this Rubber Plant on my clothes. I wonder what would happen?
- My Wax Plant will flower if it gets enough light. I don't think this will happen.
- This tree is a Croton. I like the weird colors, but they'll only stay if it's grown in a bright location [sigh].
- This plant is called Dumbcane, and it's poisonous. Just the thing to have in a nurturing work environment, methinks.
- This tree, I'm actually supposed to be reviving. Right. It shall remain anonymous to protect...well...everyone.
Things I Want from IKEA
- My very own frog prince. You can zip his mouth shut! This is a highly desirable trait for any guy.
- This heart pillow--it's just so stinkin' huggable!
- This turtle, just 'cuz he's way fun.
- This chaise is super comfy.
- This rattan chair also has you sitting with your legs out in front, and it has great back support.
- This office chair is just awesome. The high back swiveldyness makes you feel like an evil genius (and who doesn't need that when they're working?)
- This chair grants enlightenment to all who sit in it! It's amazing (although, in this pic, it doesn't look amazing).
- This chair and footstool combo are just heaven.
- This is the coolest bed EVAR! Also, the measurements say it's big enough for an Amazon like me to stretch out on, which I didn't think was the case when I actually saw it, so I didn't try (sad.) (Note to any hypothetical readers of this hypothetical blog: I am the only person allowed to call me an Amazon. If you try it, I will kill you dead. (Or at least chase you around a parking lot and then slap you. Just ask Ryan.))
A first-time-in-my-life experience
So, I stopped to get gas on my way to work today, and I washed my windshield on a whim (it wasn't even that dirty). Before I could squeegee it off, the cleaner froze! I had to scrape my windshield, right there at the pump! But at least it was clean...
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