Monday, March 17, 2008

Lives for Which I am Responsible

There are several plants in my cubicle at the COB, and I am in charge of keeping them alive and healthy. Really, though, it's only a matter of time until they perish. Before that happens, I thought I'd document their fleeting existences here!
  1. This Wandering Jew is already getting discolored on top, which is very sad, as it used to be quite lovely.
  2. I really like my China Doll, and I hope it sticks around for a little while, at least.
  3. The Pothos is supposed to be really easy to grow; we shall see.
  4. I'm not supposed to get the white sap of this Rubber Plant on my clothes. I wonder what would happen?
  5. My Wax Plant will flower if it gets enough light. I don't think this will happen.
  6. This tree is a Croton. I like the weird colors, but they'll only stay if it's grown in a bright location [sigh].
  7. This plant is called Dumbcane, and it's poisonous. Just the thing to have in a nurturing work environment, methinks.
  8. This tree, I'm actually supposed to be reviving. Right. It shall remain anonymous to protect...well...everyone.

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