Wednesday, March 19, 2008 the Networks?

Today, the world is against me. At least at work. I went to work today, and signed on to Tianna's computer (she has evil genius "duel" monitors and was working in Orem). According to the computer, all my network drives had suffered some kind of death...I can only assume it was gruesome. So I set myself to the task of re-mapping them, which I only learned how to do a few weeks ago. But I'm becoming quite proficient at it, as my network drives are apparently very wussy and die fairly often. I had to map them to my computer again yesterday! I don't know why I am so hated by the networks. Or maybe I intimidate them? Anyway, today, they just wouldn't map. I had to get Annaleise (she's an angel) to come and help me multiple times. And still couldn't get anything better than read-only access to the SLC server. All this, of course, kept me from accomplishing anything at all.

Luckily, Dennis (my boss) had a favor to ask of me; could I please deliver a cart to Orem on my way home? Sure thing. And Tianna had the brilliant idea that I come on down to Orem then, where I could actually use the networks instead of fight them. So I did. Of course, the Jess Hatred continued...

Once in Orem, there were further issues with disconnected drives (naturally, as it was the Torment Tool of the Day). And since the computer I usually use in Orem was occupied, I got to use a different one, which was lacking some software I needed, which meant I got to remote back into my comp in SLC. Such convolution. [Skipping a bunch of heartache and trauma because it's too work-detailed for anybody to care about. Just trust me, it was there.] Since I stayed so incredibly late tonight, my computer finally opened up, and I switched over to know, to make life easier. Of course, it wasn't mapped to a drive I needed! It got to the point where I felt I would surely go mad if I had to map one more drive one more time. I even threatened generic (but forceful) CONSEQUENCES.

Such a frustrating day. But now I am home, where the networks and drives can't hurt me. Of course, they're probably disconnecting from my computer(s) even now...

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