Monday, March 31, 2008

Rough Start

Today began when I didn't get up. Not until T came and informed me that I would need to move my car so she could get out. This was after 9:00. Blah.

I went out to move my car and all the lovely snow from yesterday had frozen into ice. This took some doing to get off, and since I completely forgot the snow and went out in my pj's and bare feet, it wasn't all that fun. A lot of the snow landed on my feet. Blah.

I went back in and didn't hurry too much getting ready--I mean, it was already really late; what difference would a few more minutes make? I finally left a little after 10 for McDonald's (because McBreakfast is the surest way I know to get an icky day back on track). As I was sitting in the drive-thru, I realized I had left my makeup bag at home. Since I can't survive a day without chapstick, this meant I had to go home again. Blah.

Fortunately, Tianna had called me just before I left to invite me to work in Orem today! (Of course, the reason for this was that she needed me to help out with oogliness...oh well.) This meant a 25-minute commute instead of an hour commute. Yay!

Then, on the way to Orem, Mt. Timpanogos was beautiful. And I had my camera with me! So I pulled over and took a picture. I'm still not sure if this is fresh snow blowing off of Timp, or just a cloud that got caught right in that nook. Either way, it was cool. Yay!Also, since I sewed up the hem of my skirt, I haven't caught my heel in it all day. Yay!

So, I guess the rough start...ended well?

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