Monday, April 14, 2008

In Memoriam

My dearest Carli is leaving me today. Well, not just me; she's leaving the entire country. This makes me all kinds of sad. She moved in with me a year ago, just as Tianna left for the Jerusalem Center. I'm usually pretty slow to warm up to people, but we got along famously from the very beginning. It's like this: Tianna and I are fast friends in spite of our differences; Carli and I are fast friends because of our similarities. I think this is how we got to be so close so fast. When it comes to pessimism and blasphemy, we are kindred spirits. (Also, she thinks I'm funny, the weirdo. That will generally endear people to me fairly quickly.) I know she's going to have an amazing time trotting around Europe, but I shall miss her dearly.

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