Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm in no mood for fun, T!

I am in a lousy mood. (Also, I just noticed how the word "louse" is in "lousy." Does this mean that my mood actually contains lice? I sure hope not. But if it did, I'm not sure how much worse it could really get.) I'm pretty grouchy. Why? No idea. I just am. I'm tired and work is being retarded and I just wanna go home. But I'm supposed to work for another 3 hours. [whimper]

I'm actually pouting at my screen right now. Nothing better around to pout at, y'know? (For all those of you who might be wondering, no, this is not the "cute" fake pout I've sometimes been accused of. I'm in a rotten mood and I mean it.) And I just feel...meh. It probably doesn't help that I'm actually waiting for a migraine. My vision went all funny earlier, and while it's possible that was due to having not eaten, it's more likely that it was the first symptom of a migraine on the way. And now my vision is back to normal, so I'm waiting. I mean, I might not get a migraine. Visual symptoms are unusual enough for me that I don't have the details all pinned down yet. But it's really far more likely that I will get one. And I'm hardly in the mood to be optimistic about this.

So, what to do? Stick it out here? Go home and hijack T's work laptop? At least then I'll be at home, out of this wretched skirt and nylons. And then when the migraine hits, I won't have to go anywhere. I could even get ice cream on the way. Of course, that would require movement on my part, and I'm hardly in the mood for that, either.

Hmmmm...I wonder if I can imagine a scenario that would improve my mood. What if the man of my dreams came to rescue me from my workplace and we could start a whirlwind romance? Blah. In this mood, I'd probably smack him for being annoying. Now, if a good friend were to come and coax me into mobility and a movie at home, that might work better. If there was ice cream. And it was the right sort of movie. Not completely sure what sort that is, though; laughing would undoubtedly help, but it'd take a lot to get me going right now. A sad movie may actually suit better.

Of course, imagining it doesn't make it so. Guess I'll have to coax myself into mobility. Hate that. Is it too much to ask to be coddled every once in a while? It gets old, providing your own comfort. Also, it just doesn't work as well.

[Sigh.] I think I will head home soon. Then I can at least derive some pleasure from hiding out in my room. It's hard to feel like you're hiding when you're in a cubicle in the middle of a huge room with bright overheads. This is really a curl-up-in-the-corner kind of mood.

And if any of you have actually read this far and are now feeling depressed and suicidal, I apologize. Go get some ice cream and curl up in a corner. It's good for the soul.

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