Tuesday, May 13, 2008

PJ's and Pain

I stayed home from work yesterday and today due to migraine-ness. Fortunately, Tianna was willing to let me use her laptop so I could just work from home and still get some stuff done. But it has not been at all fun. Actually, we both stayed home yesterday; Tianna wasn't feeling great, either. So we both hung out, working in our pajamas. I watched movies while I was doing mindless work (can I just say that I really enjoy Meet Me in St. Louis?). After 5 hours, though, I'd reached my limit. Instead of getting better, the headache got worse, and I couldn't concentrate or look at a computer screen any longer. I was also nauseous, so I took some of my nausea medicine and went to bed around 4 pm. Sometimes, it's just better to be unconscious, y'know?

Today, I thought I was doing better. Until I moved, when I realized that I only felt better when I was completely stationary. Tianna was going to work today, but I convinced her that it would be a Good Plan for her to leave her laptop with me, and she could use my comp at work. She's such a dear. Of course, I didn't get around to working until 2:30 pm...whatever. By then, my headache was mostly gone. But I was left reeling from the side effects of having ingested so much caffeine in my Excedrin. (I may have, in an act of desperation, taken 5 pills instead of my usual 4.) I was all jittery and shaky and weak and light-headed. In celebration of the fact that I could move without wishing I was dead, I took a shower. It nearly killed me! Ok, not really. But I did almost pass out, and I spent the next half hour lying on my bedroom floor, recovering my strength. So it was still good that I was at home. I'll take those feelings over a migraine any day, though.

Since I could only manage 3 hours of work today, I'm definitely gonna have to take a loss in my hours this week. Especially since I'll be leaving for Idaho with Tianna around 2 pm on Friday. But that's life, right? Paralyzing pain?

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